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JessiAugust 2024

Summer trend 2024: Localization

How companies can use the summer to go international

Summer 2024 is in full swing, and while many people are thinking about vacations and relaxation, there is one trend in the translation industry that becomes particularly important at this time of year: localization.
But what exactly is behind this term, and why should companies tackle their localization strategies right now? What is localization?

Localization goes far beyond the mere translation of texts. It is about adapting content so that it is not only understandable in the target language, but also culturally and contextually adapted to the respective market. This means that not only words, but also images, symbols, colors and even humor or idioms need to be tailored to the target culture. The aim is to ensure that your message is not only understood, but also received emotionally and culturally correctly.


Why is this important?

In a globalized economy, it is no longer enough to simply translate. Your target audiences expect content that feels like it was created specifically for them - no matter what country they are in. Localization helps build trust and create a deeper connection with your customers, which ultimately leads to higher conversion rates and stronger customer loyalty.


Business Mann beauftragt seine Lokalisierung am StrandSummer 2024: The perfect time for localization projects

Summer is often seen as a quieter time for business, a period when many companies slow down their activities. But it is precisely this time that offers an ideal opportunity to plan and implement localization projects. Here are some reasons why summer 2024 is the best time for localization:

Stay ahead of the competition

While other companies may see summer as "pickle time", you can use this quieter period to push ahead with your localization projects. This will give you a head start when business picks up in the fall and you can hit the ground running with localized and optimized content.


Optimized resource planning

Many translation service providers, including tolingo, have more capacity in the summer and offer more flexible schedules. This means that you can implement your projects more quickly. Take advantage of this opportunity to localize your content while others are still waiting in the wings.

Use vacation mode

While many decision-makers and project managers are on vacation during the summer, this can be an excellent time to do background work like localization. When everyone comes back refreshed and energized, your content will be ready to go.

The role of technology in localization

Another crucial factor for localization success in the summer of 2024 is technological progress. The localization industry has made tremendous strides in recent years, particularly through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine translation technologies. These technologies make it possible to localize large volumes of content efficiently and with high quality.

At tolingo, for example, we use an AI solution in our SMART bundle that combines machine translation with human expertise. This allows us to carry out localization projects not only faster, but also more cost-effectively. While the AI performs the initial translation, the text is then reviewed and refined by experienced proofreaders and specialist translators to ensure that cultural nuances and contextual requirements are fully met.


Mann überprüft ROI seiner LokalisierungHow to maximize ROI through localization

Localization is an investment — and as with any investment, companies expect a return on investment (ROI). So the question is: how can you make sure your localization spend pays off?


Target group analysis

Before you start localization, you should carry out a thorough analysis of your target markets. What cultural peculiarities are there? What linguistic nuances need to be taken into account? A detailed target group analysis helps to make the localization process more efficient and to create content that really resonates.


Use of translation memories

A translation memory saves previously translated text segments and ensures that recurring content does not have to be translated again. This not only saves time, but also money. At tolingo, we use translation memories to ensure consistency in your projects and reduce costs.

Use of glossaries and style guides

To ensure that your messages remain consistent in every language, you should develop glossaries and style guides. These documents help translators to get the tone and style right and ensure that important terms are always translated in the same way. A consistent presence in all markets strengthens your brand identity and increases recognizability.


Best practices for successful localization

Successful localization requires not only linguistic but also cultural expertise. Here are some best practices that can help you successfully implement your localization projects:

Work with native speakers

Always use translators who are not only linguistically but also culturally at home in the target language. Native speakers know the subtleties and nuances of their language best and can ensure that your content comes across as authentic. tolingo works exclusively with native speakers for your translation projects for precisely this reason.

Test your localized content

Before you publish your localized content, you should test it in the target culture. Feedback from people in the target market can help you make final adjustments and ensure that your message really resonates.

Consider legal and regulatory requirements

In many countries, there are specific legal and regulatory requirements that need to be considered when localizing. These can range from advertising laws to data protection regulations. Make sure that your content is also localized correctly from a legal perspective.


Mann bestellt Lokalisierung beim Übersetzungbüro tolingoThe role of tolingo in localization

As one of the leading translation agencies with more than 220 language combinations and 4 ISO certifications, tolingo is your ideal partner for localization projects. Our experienced translators and editors work closely together to ensure that your content is not just translated, but truly localized. We offer customized solutions that are tailored to your needs and markets.

Whether you want to localize a website, marketing materials or software, with tolingo on your side you can be sure that your messages will be understood worldwide.



Summer 2024 is the ideal time to get started with localization projects. Take advantage of the quieter business period to adapt your content for international markets and secure a decisive competitive advantage. With the right strategies and partners, like tolingo, you can ensure your localization projects are successful and maximize your ROI. Get started now and let your brand shine worldwide!


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