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Professional translation agency for
Danish translations

In Denmark, people speak openly and directly, the informal “you” form is standard everywhere – even if you do not (yet) know the person you are talking to. In order to ensure that your messages not only get across, but also have a real impact, they must be adapted to the characteristic features of the Danish language. And that’s where we come in! At the tolingo translation agency, we combine the advantages of human and AI translation. We can quickly deliver high-quality translations that have a real impact – including in Danish.

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More than 110,000
satisfied clients

Be part of our success story! Over 110,000 satisfied customers already place their trust in tolingo. When it comes to excellent translations, we are your first choice.

Why us: Next level translation.




Gruppe 27

Maximum safety

We handle your data very carefully throughout the entire process. Data security is just as important to us as the quality of our translations. This is confirmed by our 4 certifications: for translation services (ISO 17100), for post-editing of Machine Translations (ISO 18587), for quality management (ISO 9001) and for information security (ISO/IEC 27001).

Gruppe 24

Best quality 

At tolingo, we only work with native translators who live in the country of the target language. Our artificial intelligence (AI) is highly specialised and produces high-quality translations within seconds.

By combining man and machine, we create outstanding results in any language combination.

Gruppe 29

(Super) fast service

With a network of over 6,000 translators in all time zones, we respond quickly to your request. We usually send the translation to you within a few days – depending on the volume of the text.

And if you're in a hurry, we'll prioritise your translation with the Express or Super-Express options and deliver it even faster – without any loss of quality.

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Excellent Danish translations by native speakers

Every text has a specific objective. In order to ensure that your messages are received correctly and effectively throughout the world by your target audience, the translation must be adapted perfectly to their linguistic traits – linguistically, culturally and as far as specialist areas are concerned. Authentic Danish translations can only come about with an excellent feel for the language and the right professional expertise.

As a certified translation agency, we know what matters when it comes to high-quality Danish translation. Our native-speaker translators have an excellent command of specialist terminology and speak the language of your target audience. Our highly specialised AI is continually learning and generates perfect results extremely quickly. Through the effective combination of the two translation methods, we ensure that your text has an impact wherever it is read.

Efficient service & excellent quality – with quadruple ISO certification

We set particularly high quality standards for every translation – and we meet them, too. tolingo is one of just a few translation agencies worldwide to have been ISO-certified four times: for our translation services (ISO 17100), for post-editing of machine translations (ISO 18587), for our quality management (ISO 9001) and for our information security (ISO/IEC 27001).

Danish translations –
Exactly to meet your needs.

A Danish translation is only good if its message gets across – and you are happy with it. If you wish, we can speed things up, certify documents with a stamp and signature, proofread everything using the four-eye principle, format your documents in their original layout and ensure consistent linguistic usage.

These are our add-on services, specialist areas and most popular language combinations for Danish translations:










If it's (super) urgent, we'll turbo-charge on request, prioritize your order and deliver the translation extra quickly - without any loss of quality.
A second translator takes a close look at the translation. Where necessary, the text is adapted technically, linguistically and stylistically.
We make it official: Our sworn translators provide you with a certified translation for all documents - with stamp and signature.
If you want the translation to look good, too: Our graphics experts format the translated text exactly as in the original document.
We create a glossary with your translation modules. This way, you always communicate in a consistent manner and increase your recognition value.
Your translations are stored in a database and used in future commissions. This increases consistency and saves you time and money.


Choosing the right translator can make a difference, especially when it comes to specialized fields. As a reputable translation agency, we engage experts proficient not only in the language but also in the technical terminology.

And here is a selection of the fields in which our translators are particularly skilled:

  • Art & culture
  • Automotive
  • Banking & Finance
  • E-Commerce & Trade
  • Marketing & PR
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Medicine & Pharmaceuticals
  • Legal
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Travel & Tourism



tolingo works with native speakers throughout the world. We translate more than 220 language combinations, many of which have Danish as the source or target language. The following combinations are in particular demand:

You will find further language combinations in our language overview.

Woman is happy about her Danish translation

Go for it!
Your perfect solution is here.

Constantin Mackel
Account Manager
+49 40 413 583 148

You need a professional specialist translator for a large project? Let me advise you! My goal: Your texts should be optimally translated - in every language.

Mackel, Constantin

Constantin Mackel
Account Manager
+49 40 413 583 148


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Facts to go

How to translate Danish authentically – and how to address the Queen

If you have ever been on holiday to Denmark, you will remember how friendly the Danes are. With a population of around 6 million, Denmark is a relatively small country, and you sometimes get the feeling that everyone knows everyone. Of course, this is not the case, but you sense how open people are through the language they use: in Denmark, only the informal form of the pronoun “you” is used. Both in private exchanges and in the business context, informal forms of address are the norm in Danish – even if you do not know the other person. And that is crucial for a good Danish translation.

If you have your (business) texts that use formal forms of address simply translated as they are into Danish, your message might get across, but native speakers of Danish will probably be struck by the impersonal tone. Especially if you are hoping to sell products or services, it is therefore preferable to have the translation adapted to the local linguistic habits – especially the use of the informal “you”. In the same way, translations from Danish should be adapted to use more formal pronouns where this is required. With a professional translation by a native speaker, you can get round these problems very easily and end up with texts that really make a mark on their readers.

There is, however, one exception in Danish: if you ever have cause to correspond with a member of the royal family in Danish, it is advisable to use the more formal form of “you”. Although things are becoming more relaxed even in these circles, the more formal form of address is still regarded as a sign of respect.

More letters and two genders – what a good translation has to deal with

The Danish alphabet consists of the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, along with three special characters: Æ (æ), Ø (ø) and Å (å). That may sound a little strange, but it does not make translation much more complicated for trained professionals. Similarly, the distinction between the two grammatical genders – the common, which brings together masculine and feminine terms, and the neuter – does not present much of a challenge to a Danish translator.  

Specialist adaptation of a translation – along with cultural adaptation – is more challenging. Every specialist area has its own language and uses its own terminology. Translations of technical documentation should include the technically correct terms. Legal translations from or into Danish should render the content of the original text accurately and without any scope for interpretation (here you should also use more formal forms of address in the translation, instead of the more common informal “you” – see above for more on this). In order to ensure that your specialist texts are translated in the correct style, it is best to use the experts of a professional translation agency.

Danish, Swedish, Norwegian – not all the same

For anyone who does not know the languages, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian probably look almost identical at first sight (and they sound similar, too). And yes, it is true that they are closely related. All three belong to the Scandinavian family of languages and share many common features. But there are still differences. The grammar in all three languages is similar and differs only slightly from one to another. Danish has fewer cases than Swedish and Norwegian, and the position of verbs also varies in each language.

Nevertheless, Norwegians and Danes in particular can usually understand one another very easily. Many of the words in the two languages have similar roots and similar meanings. This makes communication easier. But it is not true of all words and expressions. If you wish to reach the entire Scandinavian area, a translation in just one of these languages is therefore not enough. Anyone who wants to get their message across successfully in the north of Europe should have it translated precisely into the language that its recipients speak and understand without any limitations.