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Consistent Specialized Terms Worldwide
Translation Memory

With a Translation Memory (TM), your translations primarily gain one thing: consistency. This means that specific terms and expressions will always have the same wording, even in the translation.

Our Translation Memory remembers previously translated text passages – these are then automatically suggested and used in the translation process for follow-up orders.


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More than 110,000 satisfied customers

Be part of our success story! More than 110,000 satisfied customers already trust tolingo. When it comes to excellent translations, we are your first choice.

Translation Memory at a glance

The convenient PDF contains all the essential information about the service.

What is a Translation Memory?

A Translation Memory is a type of memory storage and a feature of professional translation software. Already translated text segments are stored in a database and automatically retrieved, suggested, and used for follow-up orders with similar content.


Increased Quality – While Reducing Costs

Creating a Translation Memory is always worthwhile for regular translation needs with recurring content. 1. It ensures that your texts are translated consistently across documents, despite a variety of possible rephrasing and synonyms, and according to your corporate wording, and 2. thanks to this technology, the translation effort is reduced – the savings are passed directly to you and made transparent with every follow-up order.


Terminology Management for Unmatched Language Accuracy

Terminology management plays a crucial role in conjunction with Translation Memory systems. It ensures that the terms and expressions stored in your Translation Memory are used consistently, up-to-date, and accurately according to your specifications. Through ongoing maintenance and adjustment of your terminology, we guarantee that all translations meet your specific requirements while increasing the efficiency and quality of the translation processes through the reuse of consistent segments.

An effective terminology management system ensures that your Translation Memory is aligned and updated with your company-specific terminology, maintaining consistency across all documents and projects. This reduces the risk of inconsistencies and significantly improves the accuracy of your translations.

Learn more about our terminology management and how it, combined with Translation Memory systems, takes the quality and consistency of your translations to the next level.


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3 Reasons for a Professional Translation Memory System




Gruppe 27

Lower Costs

Why pay again for text passages that have already been translated when the translation work has already been done in previous orders?

A Translation Memory recognizes similar and previously translated text segments, and we use these without recalculating them entirely. This way, you save real money with every follow-up order containing similar content. A Translation Memory is usually worthwhile for anyone who regularly and/or frequently orders translations.

Gruppe 24

Certified High Quality

There are probably hundreds of ways to rephrase texts meaningfully or similarly – even in translation.

However, many clients, especially companies with a strong brand identity, opt for very specific terms and expressions. If these are to remain consistent in the translation, a Translation Memory is required. This ensures that all documents are consistent and enhances their quality.

Gruppe 29

Service at Record Speed

When many texts contain the same content and we don't have to translate them again, we can logically complete follow-up orders much faster.

Especially clients with a high volume of translation requests and recurring content will noticeably feel that we deliver translations more quickly over time. The more the Translation Memory grows and is maintained, the more effective our translation processes become.

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Go for it!
We find the right solution.

Constantin Mackel
Account Manager
0800 55 133 00

I would be happy to advise you on Translation Memory systems. Request a quote now.

Mackel, Constantin

Constantin Mackel
Account Manager
0800 55 133 00

Translation Memory FAQ

Important Questions – and All the Answers

Do you have any remaining questions? Just give us a call! We are always here for you.

Tel. 0800 55 133 00 |

What is a Translation Memory System? A Translation Memory System (TMS), or simply Translation Memory (TM), is a database for previously translated sentences, text passages, and segments. These are stored from your already processed projects and can be retrieved and used in new translations.

A TM consists of so-called segments, which contain the source text in the original language and the corresponding translated text in the target language. The translator can reference these stored segments during a new translation and does not need to retranslate sentences or text passages that have already been translated. Additionally, the same terms or even entire text sections will always be translated consistently.

By creating and using a Translation Memory, translation projects are completed faster, more consistently, and more efficiently. You save time and money and gain in quality and consistency!
Who owns a Translation Memory System?

Your Translation Memory belongs to you, of course. While our professional translators are responsible for its creation, the content comes from you and belongs to you. Therefore, you have full control over it and can use it as you wish.

How does a Translation Memory System work? The Translation Memory technology works like a translation memory and compares texts or text segments to be translated with content from your previous translations. The software identifies two types of matches:

Matches occur when the text segments to be translated are identical to a segment from the Translation Memory.

Fuzzy Matches refer to text segments to be translated that partially match a segment from the database. The degree of match can vary between 1% and 99%. The higher the degree of match, the more high-quality and consistent the translations will be.

If the TMS detects a (partial) match between the new text and a text from your database in a new project, it suggests the corresponding translation. This can then be adopted by our translators.
What are the benefits of using a Translation Memory System? With the help of a Translation Memory, translation processes become faster, more efficient, and more cost-effective. You receive high-quality translations in less time and benefit from the linguistic consistency of your (future) translations.

If a text segment already appears in a previous translation project, it will be adopted by our translators and does not need to be translated again. This not only saves time but also ensures better quality and higher consistency in your translations. Since we are not creating new translations, you do not need to pay or only pay a lower price for such repetitions. A win-win-win situation, so to speak!
When do I need a Translation Memory? A Translation Memory is especially useful when you need regular translations. The more translation projects you have completed by us, the more your database fills with translated content. The system, therefore, has an ever-growing pool of translated texts it can use for each new order.

A good example of the beneficial use of Translation Memory databases is marketing materials. Whether it’s a website, flyer, or PR text – these often contain many of the same text passages, such as a short company description. If a completed translation is already stored, it can be reused multiple times. But even with other types of texts, there are recurring elements that can be translated faster and more efficiently with a Translation Memory tool. We are happy to advise you if you're unsure whether a TMS makes sense for you!
How can I create a Translation Memory? We are happy to create your Translation Memory database for you. All you need to do is let us know. For a one-time price of €249.00, we will set up your TM system and fill it with the corresponding translations for all subsequent projects. Of course, you will benefit immediately from any savings.

It’s best to give us a call so we can discuss all requirements and details. Or you can write to us about what you need, and we will get back to you.

T 0800 55 133 00