Translation prices
AI from
€0.09 per word Fast and focused on the essentials. Professional translation
Proofreading by professional translators
Smart from
€0.11 per word A high-quality translation at an excellent price. Professional translation
Stylistic editing by professional translators
Comprehensive quality assurance through project management
Premium from
€0.23 per word 4-Eyes-Plus.For the highest standards.
Professional translation by specialized translators
Proofreading by a second professional translator
Editing by a second professional translator
Comprehensive quality assurance through project management
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A professional translation is characterized by high quality, accurate content, and a fair price. However, the highest word price does not necessarily guarantee the best translation. The ideal translation solution depends on the specific text type and its purpose—what the text is intended to achieve with the target audience. Often, the perfect result is achieved through a combination of human expertise and artificial intelligence.
How much does a translation cost?
Each translation is unique, which is why the price varies. The costs are calculated based on the price per word in combination with the source and target language. Common language combinations are generally more affordable than rare ones. We place great importance on a fair price-performance ratio—for our clients and translators worldwide, because you deserve a fair price, and our translators deserve fair compensation.
In detail
Your Choice – Three Smart Translation Solutions
AI – fast and focused on the essentials.
Our artificial intelligence (AI) translates your texts. We don’t rely on standard online translation tools but instead select an AI configured by us. The choice of AI depends on the type of text and is tested by us in advance.
However, we don't let the machine work entirely on its own. In the second step, our experienced professional translators review whether the core information has been translated correctly and make adjustments if necessary.
Result: A translated text that is content-accurate without a stylistic focus.
Machine Translation plus Light Post-Editing by translators
Delivery time: 1 business day*
Options: –
Price: starting at €0.09/word
Smart – a high-quality translation at a really good price.
We choose the best approach for an impactful translation based on your requirements. This means that the translation is either carried out by human translators or created using machine translation with comprehensive editing by our professional translators.
We analyze and test in advance which method delivers the highest quality for your texts. Smart is our most popular solution and, quite literally, often the smartest choice.
Result: A translated text that is both content-accurate and stylistically correct.
a) Professional translation or b) AI translation with comprehensive quality assurance by translators (Full Post Editing) – method depends on the text
Delivery time: 3 business days*
Options: Express, Super-Express
Price: starting at €0.11/word
Premium – the 4-eyes principle for the highest standards.
Two experienced professional translators specialized in the relevant field work on your texts. The first person translates, and the second proofreads and stylistically edits.
This translation solution is often ideal for sophisticated text types, where messages may also be conveyed between the lines. Extensive text adaptations are often required, for example, to effectively reach the target audience in their cultural context.
Result: A translated text that is content-accurate, stylistically correct, well-readable, and tailored to the target audience.
Professional translation plus editing by a second professional translator
Delivery time: 4 business days*
Options: Express, Super-Express
Price: starting at €0.23/word
Or an Individual Solution – at a Transparent Price
If your company or agency has recurring translation needs with high volumes and complex requirements, an individual translation solution might be the better alternative for you. We are happy to create a service package tailored precisely to your needs. This allows us to work even more efficiently together, helping you accelerate processes, improve quality, and reduce costs in the long (or even medium) term.
You will receive a customized combination of translation, quality assurance, and additional services – all with no hidden costs and complete transparency. Request an offer now to get tailored solutions for your translation projects.
Language Services
Professional Translation
Our experienced, native-speaking professional translators ensure accurate and consistent translations.
Learn more about Professional Translation
Machine Translation
Our self-configured artificial intelligence (AI) translates your text with high precision and in no time.
Learn more about Machine Translation
Our transcription service efficiently and accurately converts speech into text, and also offers translation upon request.
Learn more about Transcription
Quality Assurance
Our professional translators ensure that spelling, punctuation, and grammar are correct.
Learn more about Proofreading
Our experienced editors stylistically revise the translated text, ensuring they catch every last error.
Learn more about Editing
Light Post Editing
Experienced translators ensure that all essential content of your text has been correctly translated by the AI.
Learn more about Light Post Editing
Full Post Editing
Experienced translators revise the result of a machine translation to ensure it meets the standards of a professional translation.
Learn more about Full Post Editing
Additional Services
Glossary Creation
We create a glossary based on your requirements and ensure that all translations gain consistency.
Learn more about Glossary Creation
Our court-certified professional translators provide officially recognized certified translations for you.
Learn more about Certifications
Layout Adjustment
Our graphic and typesetting specialists ensure that images and text are correctly displayed in the layout file.
Learn more about Layout Adaptation
Translation Memory
We do not retranslate recurring text segments for follow-up orders. We rely on our database.
Learn more about Translation Memory
Let’s go!
Offer within reach.
Goncalo Silva
Key Account Manager
+49 40 413 583 100
AI, Smart, or Premium – or are you interested in a customized language service? Request your individual offer now. My goal: to help companies worldwide impress customers with precise language.
With tolingo's standardized translation solutions, you can get a professional translation starting at a price of €0.09 per word. Our affordable AI solution consists of machine translation combined with Light Post Editing by a translator. A human translation by our trained professional translators, including editing, is available in our Premium solution starting at €0.23 per word. With our Smart package, you get a translation starting at €0.11 per word. Here, we use technology only when it enhances quality.
Individual translation solutions may vary from these prices. In general, translation costs for a project can vary depending on the requirements and consist of several factors. Three major factors influencing the cost of a translation are the text volume, the language combination, and the type of translation. Frequently requested source and target language combinations are usually cheaper, and machine translation is generally less expensive than a professional translation by trained translators. Additionally, the delivery time, file format, subject matter, and selected additional services can affect the price. We are happy to assist you in choosing the right translation solution with a personal consultation!
The cost of a certified translation mainly depends on the document that needs to be certified. This includes factors such as the format (e.g., continuous text or tabular) and the scope (e.g., a one-page certificate or a multi-page contract). Additionally, the official certification by our authorized translators is also a consideration.
We are happy to provide certified translations from and into the German language for business documents, corporate records, contracts, and certificates. Request an offer here.
Certified translations for personal use are conveniently available at a fixed price from Beglaubigung24.
At tolingo, we offer three standards for translation solutions:
AI – starting at €0.09 per word
Smart – starting at €0.11 per word
Premium – starting at €0.23 per word
Translations with our AI package are created using Machine Translation, content-checked and adjusted if necessary by our professional translators. Our Smart solution combines the best of machine and human translation to create content- and stylistically correct texts in the desired target language. With the Premium package, our professional translators take over. They produce content- and stylistically accurate texts that are optimized for the target audience and reviewed using a 4-eyes-plus principle.
We are also happy to create a customized offer tailored to your specific requirements. Depending on the combination of translation type, language combination, and additional services, the word price may differ from our package prices. For example, a machine translation could even be available for less than €0.06 per word. We are happy to advise you and find the perfect solution for you!
The translation costs of an order are influenced by various factors: text length, language combination, type of translation, delivery time, file format, subject area, and additional services.
Text Length
The larger the text, the higher the translation costs. This rule generally applies to every translation project, as more text to translate means more work for our translators. Tip: For regular translation needs, a Translation Memory can be cost-effective. It helps save money even on longer texts.
Language Combination
The combination of source and target languages is a key factor in the price. This is mainly due to the availability of specialized translators. For example, there are more translators for Italian worldwide than for Swahili, so costs will differ. And since we at tolingo only work with native speakers who usually live in the target language's country, the location of our translators can also be a factor. For instance, living costs in Scandinavian countries are often higher than in other European countries, so translation costs for languages like Norwegian or Danish are also higher.
Type of Translation
A machine translation is cheaper than a human translation because the machine processes large amounts of text much faster than our professional translators. However, this does not mean that machine translation is of lower quality. For some types of text, such as technical documentation, using the machine might even be better than human translation. For other source texts, a (more costly) human translation by our professional translators is worth the investment, and often a combination of both translation types offers the best value for money.
Delivery Time
For a standard translation order, we generally complete your translation quickly, but it can be expedited with our Express and Super-Express options – and of course, this costs more. We prioritize your order and process it as quickly as possible. The big advantage: the translated texts will be in your inbox in no time.
File Format
The file format affects how quickly we can analyze and process the source text. This analysis and preparation is part of our service and is carried out with every translation project. A simple Word document consisting only of text is usually processed faster than a PDF file containing images or graphics. In general: the less time we need for analyzing and preparing the source text, the less you will have to pay (and the faster you will receive your translation).
Subject Area
A medical translation requires different subject knowledge than a technical or legal translation. For all of these types, precise wording and its exact translations are often crucial. Therefore, we only use specialized translators for these projects who have many years of experience in translating field-specific texts and have proven expertise in the respective area. This specialized knowledge may cost a bit more, but it pays off in the results.
Additional Services
While not directly part of the translation, additional services also increase the translation costs. The price changes depending on the type of additional service. At tolingo, you can choose from proofreading and editing, layout adjustment, and a Translation Memory, among others.
You can get an affordable translation of high quality with us when you choose Machine Translation. And affordable does not mean cheap in this case, as our artificial intelligence (AI) reduces the effort in processing and creates excellent translations of your documents in no time.
Another way to achieve cost-effective translations is through a Translation Memory System. Your texts to be translated and translated texts are stored in a database. For follow-up orders, recurring text segments from previous projects can be reused. This saves both time and money. Ideally, you plan for a long-term collaboration between you and your translation agency.
The initial creation of a terminology database may require a small investment, as it involves a thorough analysis of your documents and technical terms. However, this step pays off in the long run: With such a database, future translations will not only be more consistent but also more efficient, as the translation process is accelerated by predefined terms. This can lead to long-term cost savings, especially for large translation volumes or regular needs.
At tolingo, we are happy to assist you in building and maintaining your custom terminology database to maximize the accuracy and brand consistency of your international communication. This ensures that your messages are correctly understood worldwide and that your brand communicates consistently across languages. Learn more here.